Snello it's a challenge to test Angular thoroughly and attest the power of Java

The result is amazing and easy to try

Metadata & Field Definitions

Define your tables with a few clicks. You can choose from a wide array of data type, including media, multijoin, join, chips and more

Conditions & SelectQueries

Define dinamically your queries with just some parameters

User, Roles, Url Map Rules

With snello is easy to profile user, a pages or even url! Just a few clicks separe you from a well protect site

Documents & Public Data

Snello is able to save blobs on cloud and to handle compessed files containing all kinds of informations (images, pdf and much more)

Metadata Links

Link your metadatas to obtain the flavour oyu prefer: this funcionalty offers, among other features, the multi-language support

Draggables & Droppables

Define your pages with the help of draggable and droppables! You can write your own html with static and/ir dynamic values. Snello will render it

Quickly features

Create your content form in a few clicks. REST api with special flavor.

Query is really simple

All "select queries" in a simp,e way!

Enpower your query sistem

You can create virtual metadata, using query on your tables.

Customize your WHERE conditions

A simple system to customize the query in different way, using the parameters.

Contact US for support

we can accompany you in production!